Dear Parents/ Carers,

Thank you for visiting our website and may I welcome you to Wigmore Primary School. You may be looking here as a current pupil, parent or as prospective parent or pupil. I hope our website gives you all the information you need and provides you with a flavour of life at Wigmore, which is built upon positive relationships and shared values.

I am very proud to be the Headteacher at our successful school where we believe in educating the whole child through creating daily opportunities for all children to flourish and achieve. We encourage all children to become proactive, independent learners. Each child is treated as an individual, allowing room for their particular talents and skills to shine.

Both inside and outside of the classroom our focus is on providing high quality teaching and learning with a range of creative, exciting experiences and opportunities to ensure all children are provided with every chance to succeed.

We are ambitious for our children to be the best they can be, creating responsible and respectful citizens of the future, who will make a positive contribution to the world they live in.

All the adults in school work closely together to create a warm, friendly, calm, environment that you will notice as soon as you walk through the door, making our school a very special place to be.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you would like to ask any questions or find out more.

Kind regards,

Damien Johnston,