We look back at the learning and skills we have developed last half term.
We have regular updates and examples of pupils learning and development of skills on our Twitter feed @WigmorePE.
Dance – During spring term one of our topics in PE for foundation was dance, our theme was dinosaurs. The children discovered different movements using different parts of the body, adding emotion and expression as they become dinosaurs. Pupils also started to develop movement ideas in pairs while exploring the different relationships between dinosaurs.
Feet 1 – Pupils started to explore moving with a ball using their feet. The children went on to develop their technique of dribbling the ball and understand where and why we dribble, keeping control.
Year 1:
Rackets, bats and balls – Pupils in year 1 started to develop their ability to keep a ball controlled using a racket. The children also explored and developed their hitting (pushing) skills using a ball and a racket accurately. Pupils then applied their understanding of accuracy and space in a variety of games.
Wide/Narrow/curled – The unit of work developed pupils’ ability to apply ‘champion gymnastics’ as they explored movements and balances in wide, narrow and curled ways on the floor and on apparatus. The children transitioned between the theme words as they move and develop simple sequences, linking movements together.
Year 2:
Team building – This unit of work was focused on the development of pupils’ ability to apply effective teamwork, ensuring that everyone is included and understands their role. Pupils began to develop and apply simple strategies to solve problems as a team.
Pathways – Throughout spring term the children were challenged to explore different ways that they can link movements and balances together while travelling along a variety of pathways. Pupils applied ‘champion gymnastics’ and were able to perform a sequence on apparatus while travelling along a chosen pathway
Year 3:
Symmetry and Asymmetry – Last term in year 3 one of our PE topics was gymnastics, the focus was on exploring movements and balances in symmetrical and asymmetrical ways. Pupils created sequences starting with their symmetrical balance on apparatus, moving out of it and travelling to a new piece of apparatus and ending in their asymmetrical balances applying flow.
Problem solving – During spring term the children in year 3 started to explore what makes an effective team through different problem-solving challenges. Throughout the unit, there was a focus on pupils developing skills essential to working within a team.
Year 4:
Dodgeball – This unit of work developed pupils’ ability to apply the principles of attack vs defence in games. Pupils applied their throwing, catching and dodging skills combining these with their understanding of team work to try and win the game.
Cool core – Throughout the spring term in our health and fitness unit the children were focusing on the importance of our core strength. Each week had a different focus on the various ways we could improve the strength in our core while at the same time looking at the mental and physical benefits of Pilates.
Year 5:
Dance (The circus) – Pupils were challenged to bring together the different characters and performers that would have formed a 19th Century (1850) circus. The children were able to distinguish between the different performers through clear movements and expression. Pupils were able to perform their circus routine as part of a group.
Boxercise – During spring term one of our topics in PE was boxercise. The children built an understanding of the benefits of exercise and the use of muscles in our bodies. We incorporated boxing and fitness together to create a fun way of keeping fit. Pupils started to work in groups and create their own fitness routines.
Year 6:
Gymnastics (Matching & mirroring) – This unit of work focused on applying “excellent gymnastics” through matching and mirroring movements. The children worked in groups to create a sequence of movements, bringing together a combination of both matching and mirroring movements, to create a sequence
Leadership – The focus of the learning was for pupils to understand what makes an effective leader. By unpicking the ‘STEP’ principles, pupils began to apply their developing understanding as they lead others. Pupils were able to identify the different attributes that make an effective leader.