Year 1 have been reaching for the stars this term! The children have been displaying growth mindset and excellent independence. They have been continuously showing their teachers that they never give up and keep trying. They have been doing a fantastic job at finding and using resources to help them in lessons, which has blossomed their progress in their learning. Here are a few of the wonderful things we have been learning in Year 1.
In English we learnt about the story ‘How to catch a star’ which is about a boy who loved stars very much and wanted one of him own. So, he thought of various methods to try and catch a star: he climbs a tall tree, uses a lifebelt to lasso the star, uses a seagull to help him fly up in the sky and wants to fly his rocket. The children enjoyed changing the story to something else the boy would like to catch: Jupitar, Pluto, Saturn, an alien and moon. The children sequenced the story to get a better understanding of its structure. They learnt about what a verb is and how to write in the past tense. Have a look at these amazing creations:
We have marvellous Mathematicians in Year 1. The children have been working on Addition and Subtraction using the concrete, pictorial and abstract procedure. They enjoyed solving problems using cubes, rekenreks, bead strings and numicon. They have applied their knowledge of part-whole models to find addition and subtraction fact families and used counters and ten frames to identify number bonds within 10. Year 1 superstars have been learning about Subtraction by drawing dots and crossing them out to represent taking away numbers. Have a look at some magnificent work:
We are rockstar Readers in Year 1! The children have been exploring the book ‘Jolly Postman and other people’s letters’ which is about a postman delivering letters and postcards to traditional tale characters. They learnt new vocabulary which is key to the text: wicked, cackle, thimbleful and nightingale and applied these into sentences. Children worked on building their fluency and confidence in reading by adding reading hooks to represent pauses in sentences. Also, the children learnt the skill of authorial intent in which children delve deeper on the author’s illustration and choice of words in the book.
In RE we have been delving in deep and enriching ourselves in both Christianity and Islam which has allowed us to view the world from a different perspective. We have been sharing with our friends what we are grateful for through the Islamic perspective of Shukr (gratitude). In addition to this, we have also worked as a class to create a friendship tree, using our leaves to represent different beliefs and values, in turn demonstrating our diversity as a year group. This has therefore aided us in developing an understanding of appreciation of different viewpoints in regard to what makes us human.
In Year 1 we have lots of children that are super scientists who love exploring and investigating during these lessons. This terms topic has been about Autumn and Winter. In these lessons’ children have learnt about how the weather changes between the seasons and what impact this has on the hours of daylight. Not only this, they have explored how these seasons effect plants and animals.
This term Topic has been a blast from the past as we have learnt about Toys. The children have really enjoyed this History topic. Year 1 were lucky enough to do a toy workshop at Wardown Museum where they got to play with toys from the past. Their favourite toys from this workshop were the spinning top, tumble down the ladder, hobby horse and the metal hoop.
In Year 1 the children celebrated differences in the classroom and explored about the value of the month…Independence! The children have completed a range of activities and identified similarities and differences between people in the class. They learnt about what bullying is and who they can talk to if they were feeling unhappy or being bullied. This is some of the amazing work our children have created: