Schools Performance Data


In 2023, Wigmore Primary had 47% of pupils achieving Age Related Expectations (ARE) or above in reading, writing and maths at the end of Key Stage 2. In reading, 64% of pupils achieved ARE or above. In writing, 51% of pupils achieved ARE or above. In grammar, punctuation and spelling (EGPS), 62% of pupils achieved ARE or above and in maths, 62% of pupils achieved ARE or above. In relation to reading, 21% of pupils achieved a high standard. In relation to writing, 2% of pupils were working at greater depth within the expected standard. In relation to EGPS, 19% of pupils achieved a high standard and in relation to maths,19% of pupils achieved a high standard. The average scaled score per pupil was 102.9 in reading, 102.4 in EGPS and 101.6 in maths.

Progress measures were 0.38 in reading, -0.91 in writing and -0.06 in maths.

Phonics Screening Check

In June 2023, the percentage of year 1 pupils passing the national Phonics Screening Check was 62%.

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