The children have been focusing on 2D shapes (circle and triangle). Children  have had the chance to explore the school to identify different shapes  in the environment. We have also progressed in teaching numbers up to 5, where they have been challenged to subitise and write these numbers correctly. Some children are beginning to think critically by explaining different ways to make a number using different mathematical resources and learning strategies.

Year 1 - Week 6 - Alternative Lesson 3 - Sort 2–D shapes on Vimeo

Throughout Autumn term 1, the theme for English was based on ‘traditional tales’. Children read different stories such as; Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Gingerbread Man and The Three Little Pigs. When introducing these stories we had various visits from the main characters to spark the children’s interest and create excitement for their new story.

This term the children have learnt the story ‘We’re Going On a Bear Hunt’. They were able to sequence the story and retell it. They have also had the opportunity to innovate the story where they changed the character of the Bear to an animal of their choice. Next week the children will be doing some poetry.

We're Going on a Bear Hunt: 1 (CBH... by Rosen, Michael

Understanding the world
This term the children have learnt about Diwali. They had the opportunity to investigate and explore the different traditions that take place during this festival. They created their own Rangoli patterns, henna designs and diva lamps.

Continuous Provision
In continuous provision children secured their learning through the concept of play and exploration. We increased children’s knowledge through incorporating the theme of the week within the set activities. This enhanced their curiosity and interest.

In Phonics children have been taught all of the set 1 single sounds. They are beginning to blend the phonetic sounds together to help read CVC words.  Read Write Inc. Phonics: Desktop Speed Sounds Chart Pack of 10

This term we have explored the story Owl Babies. Children investigated the setting and retold the story using their imagination. They also captured how the characters felt throughout the story.

Owl Babies by Martin Waddell & Patrick Benson | Early Years Resources