This week, Year 1 have been captivated by the story ‘How to Catch a Star’. The children received a star in a box and they had to write about how they would look after this precious belonging and how they might launch it back into the sky. The children activated some very hard thinking about ways they could catch a star and what items they could use to catch it with. They have really enjoyed reading this amazing text!

The story can be found here, why not watch it at home?  The children might even be able to write their own version of the story:

The magic mathematicians in Year 1 have been learning about Subtraction and exploring different ways of writing subtraction number sentences.

The scientists in Year 1 have been busy learning about the 5 senses. The children have been developing their speaking and listening skills by talking about taste and have tasted different foods. They have thought about the things they like, such as chocolate, and the things that they dislike such as lemon. The vocabulary they are using has been exceptional.


The children were inspired recently when a dinosaur visited and made a mess in the Year 1 shared area. Mr White filmed the dinosaur arriving in school on the playground. The children then had to think about how they would get the egg back to where it came from. This was an excellent stimulus for some amazing writing and learning.

Some children in Year 1 have loved using the Chromebooks for in their computing lessons. They have been learning how to scroll, click and navigate the internet.

The children in Year 1 have a lot to look forward to over the next few weeks:
* A travelling, magic carpet is coming into school and the children will be writing about this.
* In maths, we will be continuing our work on subtraction and find one less that a number.
* In Science, we will be taking a walk to Wigmore Valley Park to explore our senses. Please remember your Wellie Boots and rain coat on the day your child’s class is going.
* In Topic next week we will be learning about the continents of the world.

The following pictures show some amazing and exceptional learning that has been taking place in the 3 different classes. Well done to the children for achieving their personal best.


Have great weekend everyone,

From the Year 1 Team