Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope everyone is keeping well and has been enjoying the recent sunny days after a lot of rain over the past few months.

Over the last 3 weeks we have been focusing on our value for this half term – challenge. This week and last week it has been clear the children are responding positively to the challenges set by staff at Wigmore. Looking through their books and visiting Science lessons across the school last week it has been pleasing to see the children rise to the challenges in and out of the classroom.

Thank you to the parents who were able to attend the important updates about the Year 1 Phonics Screening in June and the Year 6 SATS in May. The children have been working hard in school preparing for these and your willingness to support them at home will result in children achieving their full potential in these assessments. We must remember that this is only one way to assess the progress of the children and there are other ways we measure the small steps of progress children make at Wigmore.

We have had a number of children going on various trips and taking part in sporting events ranging from Foundation class visiting Pizza Express to golf festivals and football matches. The opportunities for all children at Wigmore are wide ranging and diverse.

This afternoon Year 1 welcomed Imam Tahir Khalid and Mr Ali (parent of Isa in Year 6) to our school to support the children with their learning about the Islamic faith. It is very important for the children to learn all about different faiths. This helps promote the British value of tolerance. It is also an excellent opportunity to celebrate the wonderful diverse community Wigmore is. Thank you to the adults who organised this opportunity.

This morning in school we had our first parental advisory group meeting for SEND. Thank you to the parents and carers for offering their thoughts and suggestions. We have one more meeting towards the end of the Summer term.

Well done to Year 4 Maple Class for leading a fantastic class assembly this week and to all the parents and carers who were able to attend this.

House Points 

The children have been working incredibly hard in school to earn points for their House! 

Week beginning Bramingham Wardown Leagrave Stockwood
22/04/2024 276 244 296 287
29/04/2024 170 205 183 164

The Gold Book

Well done to the following children who were in the Gold Book over the last few weeks. 

Class  Week beginning 22/04/2024
Acorns (Reception) Lemarni
Conkers (Reception) Zofia
Pine (Reception) Avanika
Alder (Year 1) Aidan
Ash (Year 1) Elsie
Birch (Year 1)  NA
Poplar (Year 2) Zachary
Rowan (Year 2) Ishita
Yew (Year 2) Amanah
Aspen (Year 3) Hafsah
Hazel (Year 3) Shivaansh
Juniper (Year 3) Louis
Elm (Year 4) Tyler
Maple (Year 4) Wolfgang
Willow (Year 4) Kanayo
Beech (Year 5) Sienna
Hawthorn (Year 5) NA
Linden (Year 5) Luca
Holly (Year 6) Charlotte
Lime (Year 6) Joel
Oak (Year 6) Grace B


Class  Week beginning 29/04/2024
Acorns (Reception) Wuraola
Conkers (Reception) Josh
Pine (Reception) Zohan
Alder (Year 1) Raphael
Ash (Year 1) Zunaira
Birch (Year 1)  Isla
Poplar (Year 2) Radu
Rowan (Year 2) Mounesh
Yew (Year 2) Chizzy
Aspen (Year 3) Noah
Hazel (Year 3) Macy
Juniper (Year 3) Lois
Elm (Year 4) Callum
Maple (Year 4) Tim
Willow (Year 4) Bogdan
Beech (Year 5) Alwayne
Hawthorn (Year 5) Brodie
Linden (Year 5) Blessing
Holly (Year 6) Diya
Lime (Year 6) Sam
Oak (Year 6) Umaymah


At Wigmore we have to aim to be here every day! Excellent attendance is 97% or above. There are strong links between good attendance and good progress in school, both academically and socially.  We want to be the best we can possibly be and reach our school target of 97%. We have to make a concerted effort in order to improve attendance and punctuality. 

Every minute of every lesson counts!

Be in to win!

Be on time and in school every day! 

WB 19/04/2024 Percentage Comment Classopoly places forward
Acorns (Reception) 86.5% Must improve No Moves
Conkers (Reception) 95.5% Must improve No Moves
Pine (Reception) 94.4% Must improve No Moves
Alder (Year 1) 94.9% Must improve No Moves
Ash (Year 1) 99.3% WOW 3 moves 
Birch (Year 1)  91.3% Must improve No Moves
Poplar (Year 2) 99% Outstanding 3 Moves
Rowan (Year 2) 93.7% Must improve NO Moves
Yew (Year 2) 92.8% Must improve No Moves
Aspen (Year 3) 95% Must improve No Moves
Hazel (Year 3) 95.5% Must improve No Moves
Juniper (Year 3) 94.0% Must improve No Moves
Elm (Year 4) 96.3% Almost There No Moves
Maple (Year 4) 99% WOW 3 Moves
Willow (Year 4) 94.3% Must improve No Moves
Beech (Year 5) 94.3% Almost There No Moves
Hawthorn (Year 5) 95.7% Must improve No Moves
Linden (Year 5) 97.2% Outstanding 1 Move
Holly (Year 6) 95% Must Improve No Moves
Lime (Year 6) 97.2% Outstanding 1 Move
Oak (Year 6) 93.7% Must improve No Moves
Whole School (week)  95%
Whole School (Year)  94.38%


WB 26/04/2024 Percentage Comment Classopoly places forward 
Acorns (Reception) 95.2% Must improve No moves
Conkers (Reception) 93.2% Must improve No Moves
Pine (Reception) 96.5% Almost There No Moves
Alder (Year 1) 92.7% Must improve No moves
Ash (Year 1) 96.1% Almost There No Moves
Birch (Year 1)  96.9% Almost There No moves
Poplar (Year 2) 97% Outstanding 1 Move
Rowan (Year 2) 98.7% WOW 2 Moves
Yew (Year 2) 90.7% Must improve No Moves
Aspen (Year 3) 90.7% Must improve No Moves
Hazel (Year 3) 96.9% Almost There No moves
Juniper (Year 3) 92% Must improve No Moves
Elm (Year 4) 99.3% WOW 3 Moves
Maple (Year 4) 97.2% Outstanding 1 Move
Willow (Year 4) 95% Must improve No Moves
Beech (Year 5) 96.7% Almost There No Moves
Hawthorn (Year 5) 95.1% Must improve No Moves
Linden (Year 5) 97.2% Outstanding 1 Move
Holly (Year 6) 92.0% Must improve No Moves
Lime (Year 6) 95.5% Must improve No Moves
Oak (Year 6) 98.0% Outstanding 2 Moves
Whole School (week)  95.36%
Whole School (Year)  94.42%

Lateness = lost learning!

5 minutes late every day  3 days of learning lost
10 minutes late every day  6 and half days of learning lost 
15 minutes late every day  2 weeks of learning lost 
20 minutes late every day 19 days of learning lost 

Days off school = lost learning! 

97% to 100% attendance  Excellent attendance! This is our goal! 
95% attendance  10 days of learning lost per year 
90% attendance  19 days of learning lost per year 
85% attendance  29 days of learning lost per year
80% attendance  38 days of learning lost per year
75% attendance  47 days of learning lost per year 

With thanks for your continued support,

Mr Johnston