It has been a wonderful half term in Year 2. The children have wowed us with their enthusiastic approach towards their learning. We have been very impressed as to how well the children have settled in!
In the following subjects listed below we have been doing the following…
English: Children have been looking at the story “Meerkat Mail”. They have been looking at the author’s use of alliteration, adding impact and have identified expanded noun phrases.
Maths: We have been looking at place value and numbers bonds to 100. Children have been learning to count in 2s,3s,5s and 10s as well as learning about greater than, less than and equal to.
Science: We have been learning about Materials and their properties. Children have been comparing natural and manmade materials as well as the suitability of materials for different purposes.
R.E: Children have been learning about a range of Special Books from different religious groups.
P.E: Children have been learning a variety of skills used in running which will help them in our sponsored upcoming Fun Run event on Thursday 21st October 2021. Thank you to those who have already sponsored us!
Next Half Term we are looking forward to the following:
- Having a visit from the Local Fire Service.
- Children will be creating Model Houses as well as their own Fire Engines.
- A Great Fire of London Workshop.
- Christmas Activities.
Don’t forget to look at our Twitter account for regular updates on the exciting things children have been doing! @WigmorePrimary
Miss Hussain, Mrs Bainbridge and Miss Gilbert 🙂