It has been a very busy half term in year 3. We performed our Year 3/4 eco play which was absolutely fantastic, and I’m sure you would agree that the standard was exceptional if you came and watched it! The children did superbly and had a great time both practising and performing. A big thank you to the parents for helping learn these lines and bringing your children into school for the evening performance, it is very much appreciated! Let’s have a look at what the children in year 3 have been busy learning this half term…
In maths the children were learning about fractions at the beginning of the half term. They worked really hard on this topic and lots of the children were really confident with explaining some of the key vocabulary and using this correctly in class discussions. It was really pleasing to see the hard work all year 3 classes put in to this topic and it really showed in the work they produced. We finished the half term on ‘mass and capacity’. We explored different ways we can measure involving both mass and capacity and the difference between the two. We looked at a variety of containers and had a go at estimating the volume and comparing them in groups. We also looked at reading scales accurately and finding out how to read and calculate the intervals on scales.
We have started a new topic of poetry which the children seem to be really enjoying. There have been opportunities for the children to explore different poems by the author Valerie Bloom, and we have looked at some key vocabulary. We have worked together as a class and also in pairs, to come up with ideas for our own poem that we are writing. The children had to think of their favourite things that are calming, peaceful and that embody the 5 senses. By the end of the half term, the children would have written their own poem with 3 verses, all about someone special in their lives.
Linking with our eco play, we have started a topic for the last few weeks on playscripts. This has been well received by the children as they are familiar with scripts, and have been given the opportunity to think about well known traditional tales. They were able to select their own traditional tale and transforming this into a playscript. We had think about the features of a playscript, as some of these rules are very different to other genres of writing we have done before.
In art, we have been looking at the style of pointillism and looking at the work of Georges Seurat. The children really enjoyed this and we used cotton buds to create the pointillism style. We designed flag bunting, colour wheels and we then looked at different ways of mixing colours and shading using this technique. We finished this topic by creating our own picture of our choice, using the style of pointillism.
We wish you and your families a very relaxing and enjoyable Easter break, and look forward to welcoming the children back in the summer term.