Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope everyone is keeping well and has started to adjust to the cooler, wet weather we have been experiencing.
It has been a very busy fortnight in school and I have thoroughly enjoyed looking through the books of the children to see how they well they have started the academic year. The children are responding well to the high expectations of the teachers and I have seen some amazing, well presented books with strong adaptations made to support children with special educational needs. It is always great to see the progress all children are making, but particularly our children who require support that is different from and additional to others. The children are learning a wide range of skills across the curriculum and most children are excellent examples of our school value of pride – taking the utmost care with their learning.
You will be able to see some amazing samples of learning and our school environment on our social media pages. Please take the opportunity to follow what is happening in the classrooms via Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook. Our first year group blogs will be available for parents on Friday 18th October.
Over the last few weeks different staff have attended training linked to our involvement with the Mastering Number programme being led by the Enigma Maths Hub. I am very much looking forward to seeing the programme in action when visiting classrooms on Thursday 10th October. It is our aim to ensure all children have the skills to be fluent mathematicians and this programme has a successful track record in many other schools across the country.
This month the children will also continue their learning about amazing people from a diverse range of backgrounds. They will have the opportunity to do some paired learning between different classes to celebrate and understand the influence and historical significance of different role models from a range of ethnic backgrounds. This is part of our work to celebrate Black History Month.
Thank you to the parents and carers who attended our phonics workshop, we look forward to welcoming you into school to see a phonics lesson in action at some point very soon. Thank you to Mr Clarke for all his hard work to ensure that we continue to build on and improve phonics provision at Wigmore.
On Thursday 7th November at 9:30 am we are having our first Parent/Carer Information Session for parents and carers of children with special educational needs. These will be taking place once per term and we are looking forward to welcoming our first guest speaker from the Speech, Language and Communication service. A representative from EPIC will be joining us in January, we are just waiting for confirmation of a date. Parents and carers will be able to network informally with one another at the end of the information sessions. Thank you to Mrs Clark, Mrs Eversden and Mrs Jackson who have been extremely busy organising these opportunities to support our families.
Over the last few weeks we have had a number of high schools visiting our Year 6 pupils. For parents and carers of children in Year 6 please make sure you attend all the local opening evenings to make the most informed decision for the next phase of your child’s education. Thank you to the Year 6 staff and staff at the high schools for organising and accommodating these visits.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents and carers who make a concerted effort every day to use the Asda Car Park at school drop off and collection time. It is great that an overwhelming majority of families value the safety and well-being of all members of our school community. Unfortunately, we still have a number of parents and carers who continue to ignore parking restrictions outside our school gates. This creates unnecessary danger for others. I have also been informed of traffic grid lock on Twyford Drive with cars mounting footpaths to pass one another. As a result, I have contacted the local authority parking team to come out to school with traffic wardens and the camera car to fine parents who continue to ignore our requests.
The Gold Book
Well done to the following children who were in the Gold Book over the last two weeks.
Class | Week beginning 23/09/2024 |
Acorns (Reception) | Mikaeel |
Conkers (Reception) | Kyan |
Pine (Reception) | Kiaan |
Alder (Year 1) | Mahek |
Ash (Year 1) | Zara |
Birch (Year 1) | Liam |
Poplar (Year 2) | Noah |
Rowan (Year 2) | Isla |
Yew (Year 2) | Nadia |
Aspen (Year 3) | Yasir |
Hazel (Year 3) | Darcey-Rae |
Juniper (Year 3) | Bradley |
Elm (Year 4) | Lexie |
Maple (Year 4) | Lois |
Willow (Year 4) | Jai |
Beech (Year 5) | Adeline |
Hawthorn (Year 5) | Rahul |
Linden (Year 5) | Tim |
Holly (Year 6) | Kiera |
Lime (Year 6) | Bailey |
Oak (Year 6) | Frankie |
Class | Week beginning 30/09/2024 |
Acorns (Reception) | Sophia |
Conkers (Reception) | Harlen |
Pine (Reception) | Inuki |
Alder (Year 1) | Wuraola |
Ash (Year 1) | Matei |
Birch (Year 1) | Adam |
Poplar (Year 2) | Alma |
Rowan (Year 2) | Calliann |
Yew (Year 2) | Kyreece |
Aspen (Year 3) | Mihir |
Hazel (Year 3) | Harper |
Juniper (Year 3) | Ishita |
Elm (Year 4) | Anayis |
Maple (Year 4) | Chloe |
Willow (Year 4) | Adam |
Beech (Year 5) | Naomi |
Hawthorn (Year 5) | Aamir |
Linden (Year 5) | Poppy |
Holly (Year 6) | Andi |
Lime (Year 6) | Etienne |
Oak (Year 6) | Aryan |
At Wigmore we have to aim to be here every day! Excellent attendance is 97% or above. There are strong links between good attendance and good progress in school, both academically and socially. We want to be the best we can possibly be and reach our school target of 97%. We have to make a concerted effort in order to improve attendance and punctuality.
Every minute of every lesson counts!
Be in to win!
Be on time and in school every day!
20/09/2024 | Percentage | Comment |
Acorns (Reception) | 87% | Must Improve |
Conkers (Reception) | 94.8% | Must Improve |
Pine (Reception) | 96.6% | Almost there |
Alder (Year 1) | 92.6% | Must Improve |
Ash (Year 1) | 94.9% | Must Improve |
Birch (Year 1) | 92.8% | Must Improve |
Poplar (Year 2) | 98.5% | WOW |
Rowan (Year 2) | 91.7% | Must Improve |
Yew (Year 2) | 95.5% | Must Improve |
Aspen (Year 3) | 99.3% | WOW |
Hazel (Year 3) | 97% | Outstanding |
Juniper (Year 3) | 98.6% | Outstanding |
Elm (Year 4) | 97.9% | Outstanding |
Maple (Year 4) | 97.9% | Outstanding |
Willow (Year 4) | 91.5% | Must Improve |
Beech (Year 5) | 95.2% | Must Improve |
Hawthorn (Year 5) | 96.9% | Almost there |
Linden (Year 5) | 98.3% | Outstanding |
Holly (Year 6) | 98.6% | Outstanding |
Lime (Year 6) | 96.2% | Almost there |
Oak (Year 6) | 98.3% | Outstanding |
Whole School (week) | 95.82% | |
Whole School (Year) | 95.38% |
27/09/2024 | Percentage | Comment |
Acorns (Reception) | 94% | Must Improve |
Conkers (Reception) | 96% | Almost there |
Pine (Reception) | 95.3% | Must Improve |
Alder (Year 1) | 95.9% | Must Improve |
Ash (Year 1) | 98.2% | WOW |
Birch (Year 1) | 87.6% | Must Improve |
Poplar (Year 2) | 95.9% | Must Improve |
Rowan (Year 2) | 93.9% | Must Improve |
Yew (Year 2) | 91.7% | Must Improve |
Aspen (Year 3) | 95.3% | Must Improve |
Hazel (Year 3) | 95% | Must Improve |
Juniper (Year 3) | 98.3% | Outstanding |
Elm (Year 4) | 96.9% | Almost there |
Maple (Year 4) | 99.3% | WOW |
Willow (Year 4) | 95.9% | Must Improve |
Beech (Year 5) | 97.9% | Outstanding |
Hawthorn (Year 5) | 95.9% | Must Improve |
Linden (Year 5) | 96.6% | Almost there |
Holly (Year 6) | 96.6% | Almost there |
Lime (Year 6) | 94% | Must Improve |
Oak (Year 6) | 99.3% | WOW |
Whole School (week) | 95.45% | |
Whole School (Year) | 95.70% |
Lateness = lost learning!
5 minutes late every day | 3 days of learning lost |
10 minutes late every day | 6 and half days of learning lost |
15 minutes late every day | 2 weeks of learning lost |
20 minutes late every day | 19 days of learning lost |
Days off school = lost learning!
97% to 100% attendance | Excellent attendance! This is our goal! |
95% attendance | 10 days of learning lost per year |
90% attendance | 19 days of learning lost per year |
85% attendance | 29 days of learning lost per year |
80% attendance | 38 days of learning lost per year |
75% attendance | 47 days of learning lost per year |
With thanks for your continued support in the work we do with your children,
Mr Johnston